Eiweißverdauung optimieren - Alternativen zu Enzynorm f
Eiweißverdauung und Verdauungsbeschwerden Verdauungsbeschwerden können vielfältige Ursachen haben, und die Eiweißverdauung spielt eine zentrale Rolle in diesem komplexen System unseres Körpers. Eine effektive Verdauung ist entscheidend für die Gesundheit, besonders...
How is an optimal nutrient mixture put together as a capsule?
If you want to launch a new dietary supplement, you need a lot of knowledge and know-how. I explain exactly how this process works in this video. In addition to...
Does taking high-dose magnesium make sense?
High-dose magnesium intake: What does the micronutrient specialist say? We often hear from patients that therapists have recommended that they take high-dose magnesium. The winner in my doctor's office was...
How much vitamin C do we need and how much do we excrete?
Vitamin C: How much do we need and how much do we excrete? Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for many body...